I've been out of town for the past few days, so have been behind in reading the boards. AC, Ncatyl is in the 6 million chain, and his question about a credit policy is, I believe, directed only towards our most casual of chains, and was not meant to include the higher output chains.
While LD's XP chains have always been for the stated purpose of rewarding players with more XP than they could otherwise get, there is a difference between the 6 million chain and, say, a 100 million or a 200 million chain. The 6 million chain is in place mostly to offer rank to its members, along with a little bit of extra XP. As long as its members are okay with a more relaxed approach to XP generation (which they probably are or else they would be in a different chain), I don't see a problem if the 6 Million XP chain managers handle vacations a little differently than the way the harder chains are handled.
With all of that being said, AC's point about reading and accepting the rules of the chains before joining remains valid. The database works on a rolling 21 day window. Characters are flagged in the chain status page as showing Upload or Old Data long before the 21 day mark arrives. If people hunt and upload on a frequent, regular basis as recommended, the 21 day window rarely is a problem. The three week timeframe isn't a perfect timeframe, but then nothing is. Overall, it has worked well and we well probably stick with it, rather than trying to "fix something that ain't broke." Especially with software, we might end up with something quite unintended.

Ncatyl offered a suggestion on a way to make an improvement to a process on how one of the chains is run. It seems so far to be a suggestion that is meeting with approval for implementation with the casual chain. I would not expect any sort of change with quota policy with the higher output chains.
I think the above paragraph fairly well summarizes the gist of this thread so far? Nice discussions on this thread, btw. Its refreshing to see where people are expressing differing opinions, asking questions, or whatever, without spiraling down into name calling.