AC-stats question

A forum for the Last Dynasty Casual Chain.
Wimp Lo
Posts: 664
Joined: Mon Jan 27, 2003 1:47 am

AC-stats question

Post by Wimp Lo » Sat Jan 10, 2004 2:28 pm

Has something changed since we went to the current acstats page in how the xp is calculated?

I have noticed in the past week or two that wimp lo and red sonja' both showed fail by a miniscule amount. I was able to correct this by hunting for an hour with each of them, but frankly I don't see how they can show fail in the CC in any case.

They both have loyalty around 250ish and effective leadership well above the 163 requirement unless something in the formula to calculate leadership has changed. They should be able to show passing in the CC from now til the cows come home without ever hunting since it is a no quota chain.

In all the time I have been in the CC i have not had a problem with this until we changed to the current acstats page. So I am wondering if something changed when we did this?

I am asking now because wimp lo is again failing this morning by less than a million xp. I will hunt to bring that up, but there is no way he should show failure unless somehow the rules have changed. His loyalty and leadership are buffed at all times, he has 12 vassals and most times he wears a major leadership item (occasionnally i have removed it and not put it back on before logging, but his leadership is high enough without it that it still exceeds the 163 threshold).

Wimp Lo
Who you calling a Wimp?
