ATTN: Atomic Punk

A forum for the Last Dynasty Casual Chain.
Allegiance Council
Posts: 1225
Joined: Sun Apr 06, 2003 1:02 am

ATTN: Atomic Punk

Post by Laseirna » Wed Jan 21, 2004 6:41 am

In case you didn't already do this, please set Blue Orchid as Key Vassal until I post the orders to bring Yisati and Ti Gur X back into the chain which should hopefully be on Wednesday.

I have a headache and I'm going to bed now.
Laseirna - archer
Blue Orchid - sword
Scorcha Wench - baby magette
Kamikaze Kueen - UA
"They told me I was crazy. I told them they were all crazy. Damn them, they outnumbered me."

Allegiance Council Member
