Long overdue: Ncatyl's Tale Part 4

There is a little Sun Tzu in all of us.
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Long overdue: Ncatyl's Tale Part 4

Post by Ncatyl » Mon Feb 09, 2004 5:48 am


Ncatyl’s Tale
Part 4

A rough, baritone voice came to me from the fog of my dream.

“A Tonk is never without a drum. Your own heart beats a rhythm even when your hands lay idle.â€￾

“Yes revered one.â€￾ I replied through lips long dry from thirst.

Again the voice came to me.

“A Tonk is never alone. His spirit always runs with that of his tribe no matter where he wanders. His dreams are shared as are his follies. We are all one in all things.â€￾

“It is so revered one.â€￾ I answered.

The voice continued.

“One of Tonk shall never yield his mind, body, or spirit to anyone or anything not of Tonk.â€￾

“As it should be, my Elderâ€￾ I said.

There was a deepening quiet and then, with all the force of a great storm, the voice pierced into my mind and yelled.

“AS IT IS Ni’Catuhl, WAKE NOW!â€￾

I woke with a start to seething agony. All around me lay the broken bodies of Olthoi, their ichor congealing slowly into amorphous glops, their acid had long since steamed away. I steadied my mind and looked inward seeking the cause of my pain. A pincer had pierced my side and it had been broken off like a spear that lost its wielder. I could tell its point was lodged perilously close to vital organs. A large gash adorned my upper leg, the puckered, white edges of the wound protruding through where my armor had failed. My hands and face burned with the all to familiar sting of acid. I could feel my body struggling to work despite the damage it had taken. Odd I thought, considering that these tunnels were quite the fitting grave.

I should have long ago been claimed by the Soulcatcher stone to which I was bound, but something was wrong. I listened closely with ears long tuned to the Voice of the land. There was a low thrum in the stones that surrounded me. It blocked out the warm and ever present crystalline hum that one who was bound heard in their mind. Well, some heard it. Others couldn’t tell Morning Tide from Evensong without a bell to toll for them.

I shifted myself slowly to get a better look at the pincer embedded in my side. I recognized the shimmering, lavender hue of a Sentinel’s forelimb sticking out of my curiass. My adopted “second skinâ€￾. With barely a second thought I drew out the member and cast it aside. The next few moments I spent gasping and shivering from the pain I’d just inflicted upon myself. I tore off a swatch of treated cloth bandage that I kept in a belt pouch, and plugged the holes on either side of my body. I felt the powerful herbs begin to work with almost a shock. Almost too slowly the medicine dulled the pain and forced my body to mend itself. Intense itching replaced almost blinding agony in but few breaths. A few moments later I bound the wound on my leg without so much as a wince.

I rose slowly and surveyed the hall in which I lay for an interminable time. None of my remaining companions was among the fallen. I wasn’t entirely sure how to interpret that. Afterall, I was the only one among us who's heart pumped Isparian blood...

(Oh yeah, the rest will be out this week. Stay tuned!)
BTDT done

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Post by Lyneaone » Wed Jun 02, 2004 11:33 pm

Fantastic Nctyl!

I need to visit here more often...

Very good stuff... can't wait for more...

Oh what happened to the fellowship!!!???
