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Rancid Chronicles: part 10

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 9:58 am
by Lo Ki
My patron is back! I returned from grocery shopping to find my door unlocked and the small traveler relaxing in the chair by the hearth. A small fire kept the early spring chill at bay. I quickly put down my shopping bags and settled in at my desk. As I readied pen and paper, he began to speak as though he had been gone only days instead of months.

“It’s hard to believe how naïve I once was. Looking back, I find it hard to believe I have survived as long as I have. As a teen I hung out with the ‘wrong sort’ mainly to aggravate my father. I learned to pick pockets and shoplift. Then, when I first left home, it was to join a traveling circus. I found I had a gift for acrobatics and juggling. When my mentors discovered my knack for pilfering small items, they furthered my education to include burglary. We would pull one job at each town we visited. Upon leaving town, we would travel about half a day and then camp. We would slip back to town, pull the job, and be back in time to break camp. We would push hard that day so that by the time the authorities caught up to question us, they would believe we would not have had time to pull the caper. And still I had no clue.

I finally discovered that my ‘friends’ were doing more than stealing; one had a taste for spilling blood and another had a penchant for women who had no interest in him. When I protested, they decided to kill me. Some friends! I overheard them discussing my demise and slipped away before they got around to it.

I settled in the next town I reached and made a living as a pickpocket and cutpurse for a while. I discovered the hard way that most towns had an organized guild of criminals and freelancers were frowned upon. After beating me nearly to death, they let me recover a bit and then tested me to see if I would be an asset or liability. I passed and joined the local guild. And still my naivety persisted. I believed their activities were limited to thievery and smuggling. I was wrong.

I had followed my mark to a tavern. He was a minor noble who like to slum around but carried plenty of money. I was getting ready to make my move when I saw another man quietly step up behind my mark’s chair. Had I not been watching my mark closely, I would have missed the deft application of a blade to his throat. His eyes widened and his mouth opened and closed but any sound that came out was lost in the general hubbub of the crowded tavern. He slumped forward on the table as his blood poured from the wound. I looked up and met the gaze of his killer. Like an idiot I jumped up on the table, pointed at the killer, and shouted ‘Assassin!’. The killer was nearly out the door when the bouncer cold-cocked him with a cudgel. The town watch was summoned and took the assassin into custody. They also took me as the only witness. They kept me in prison ‘for my safety’. A true friend in the guild got word to me that I had just ratted out a guild mate and the penalty for that was death. So, as soon as the magistrate released me, I hit the road again.

Needless to say, life is a learning experience. And one of the most important lessons, of course, was to mind my own business. I know now that what I should have done was snag the dead guy’s purse and leave. Live and learn!”

With that, the small thief rose from his chair. He paused near the door and looked around. “Ever think of moving to a better place?” he asked. The question caught me off guard and before I could answer, he was gone.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 6:29 am
by Prowling Death
EXCELLENT WORK!!!!! You managed to keep my interest, which is NOT an easy task. I believe you have a publishable novel there Lo. Keep up the super work. :)
