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Rancid Chronicles: part 9

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 10:29 am
by Lo Ki
I don’t know who my little patron knows; but I have suddenly become an important man in my little neighborhood. The bullies I used to avoid now step aside for me. Shopkeeps who once demanded cash on the barrelhead are offering me freebies and credit. I was never a ladies man. I am not unattractive but I never attracted their attention either; I am not exactly the rugged type girls seem to go for. However, girls who once made it clear that I was not worth their time now openly flirt with me. The street walkers used to ignore me but now are quite direct in offering me their services; I think I liked it better when they ignored me.

It all started slowly at first. The bullies left me alone and the shopkeepers were a bit nicer; then, as time went by, things escalated. I think the rumor mill has blown things out of proportion. Still, what kind of influence does my patron have to set all this in motion?

* * * * * *

I noticed a mark on my small sign outside my door. I had seen this mark on some of the shops also. I inquired of one shopkeep as to the meaning of this mark. He gave me a funny look and then said it a sign that the property is protected by the thieves’ guild. Anyone who steals from a place protected by that mark will likely end up dead.

Just who is this patron of mine? I knew he was a thief, and obviously successful; but, I never knew he was so influential. And where is he? I haven’t seen him for nearly two months now. It’s not the money I miss; I have more stashed a way now than the total of all I have ever made before he appeared. We have never really talked; but, still, I have become rather fond of the little guy. He has certainly added spice too my once bland life. I hope he is well.

* * * * * *
It has now been three months since I last saw my patron. I have passed the time by providing free service to the poorer people in this quarter. A few who can easily afford to pay try to scam my free services; but, they are surprisingly easy to spot. They often get angry when I show them the door. One in particular screamed obscenities and threats at me as he left. I later heard that he was mugged in broad daylight and took a severe beating; my protectors? I worry a bit about that.

I heard a rumor about my patron the other day. One of the neighborhood toughs had a bit to drink and confronted me. He said that if the “boss” wasn’t so afraid of that “little runt” he would rip off my head and piss down my throat. I was quite concerned he was about to do it anyway, but his friends quickly ushered him away. I later heard he fell down a flight of stairs… repeatedly. What will happen to me if my patron never returns? I hope he is okay!

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 9:03 pm
by nyfin yurbak
Once again an excellent article, I shared this with my D&D group and they're all hooked. Keep Writing! :D

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 5:44 am
by Lo Ki
Thanks for the feeback! Last time I checked, almost no one was had viewed these and I was about ready to stop posting them. I'm glad someone enjoys them! :D