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Request for chain member stats info

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:10 pm
by Oof
Ncatyl suggested making a Who's-Who listing in the 6 Million chain forum for their chain member and it makes sense to do something like this for each of the chain pages. Honestly, it's something we should have done a long time ago since ACStats quit working a long time ago and thereby cause our stats page to quit working too.

My suggestion is for each player to list their characters and whatever attributes might be of particular use for other players to know, such as tink/imbue abilities, schools, etc. Also, if there is a case where players have multiple toons in the chain, please cross reference those toons to each other so that online players can find you if they are looking for one of your personas. For example: ToonA (also ToonB in 20 mil chain).

Depending on how this shapes up (that is, how much work it looks like it might be), it might be something we can think about consolidating into one centralized listing of stats for ALL toons in LD, mules and everything, but that might be more work than anyone would want to take on. We'll approach it with baby steps. ;)

Anything else anyone can think of that's useful, add it, but try to keep things as clean as possible so that it's easy to update and easy to read for folks; otherwise listings tend not to get looked at.

I'll go post this same thing in all of the chain forums. Thanks Ncatyl for a good suggestions and a much needed reminder nudge. :)