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Common Ways Of Scamming/Stealing & How to Avoid Them

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 4:51 am
by Heatmiser
This is a cut and paste from a post I saw in VN boards. Perhaps common sense for those of us that have been playing awhile, useful for those who haven't.

I decided to write this because more and more people are coming to the vault about how so-and-so scammed them, etc. I am hoping to prevent this. If the mods could get a sticky on this that would be great but otherwise please keep this bumped!

1.) Trade Window Scam

How it is done:
-Someone asks to see one of your items in a trade window and then closes it as you are putting in the item.

How to avoid it:
-Never 'show' items to anyone else in a tradewindow - just @tell them with the stats or what they want to know.

2.) Corpse Stealing

How it is done:
-While you are looting your corpse someone walks up to you, opens a tradewindow, closes the tradewindow, and opens your corpse then loots it.

How to avoid it:
-Loot your corpses in combat mode or don't allow others to open trade windows with you (in the preference menu under character)

3.) Impersonation

How it is done:
-Someone makes a character named So-and-so's mule or something simlar and tells someone who trusts him to hand him some stuff and that he has better or in some other way manages to get the victim to fork over some stuff because he is thought trustworthy.

How to avoid this:
-Only make transactions if you are 100% sure of the character being an alternate of the person he is impersonating or ask him to log on his main.

4.) Tinkering
How it is done:
-You give an item and salvage to someone to tinker it and they log or recall without giving the item back.

How to avoid this:
-Only use trusted tinkers that have references. (Wimp Tinker and Tylin are some of the higher level ones that come to mind)

5.) House Trading
How it is done:
-You are trying to buy a house and give the person the decided amount of what the house is worth but they never abandon their house.
-You are trying to sell a house and abandon it so the other person can buy it but they never give you the amount that was decided upon.

How to avoid this:
-Use a trusted middleman that both sides trust.

-Authored by Ziggurat_SC

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 6:49 am
by Pyreal Girl
Good and sound advice.


Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 11:48 am
by Sassy
Thanks Heat! Great info! :D


Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 1:12 pm
by Phade
Oooh.. nice work Slappy :D

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 6:08 pm
by Heatmiser
No problemo, Sparky! :D

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 7:26 pm
by Phade

Posted: Sun May 11, 2003 12:48 am
by Proffet
What happened to me awhile ago was that i was looking for a person to dye some gaunts and a robe for me. He drags me over to a lifestone, i give him the stuff, drops the robe, and keeps the rest. The key to this is to only go for clan dyers and such or someone you personally trust.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2003 4:43 am
by Heatmiser
And on that note, I have an all purpose trade mule.

He can dye, make arrows, carve keys, imbue, tinker armor, weapons, and wands. My main is Heatmiser. If you see me around the mansion, I'll do whatever you need.

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2003 10:02 am
by Drylox
That is very useful info. I had no idea you could steal from the trade window.

About 3 years ago a guy was spamming at the town square of the old town of Arwic that he was looking for shards and had lots of stuff to trade including gold ingots. I thought that was a pretty good deal and had a cracked shard on one of my characters. It was the first one I ever found. He came to where my character was and I handed him the shard. This was long before the trade window. He took two steps away and logged.

Ten minutes later he was back in Arwic spamming the same message about trading gold ingots for shards. I yelled out that he had just stole from me and other players there told everyone else to squelch him. We all did and the thief had no choice but to leave that town.

Later I removed the squelch and @tell'ed him asking why he stole from me. He said he had five mules in the game (no mains). It was his intention to get his mules filled with the best of everything the game had to offer.

I told him to get a life and later resquelched him.