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Request for quest Leaders

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 3:13 pm
by Blue Wizard
If you have a quest you can lead, or would like tolearn how to lead a given quest. Please Post:

1. Quest Name
2. Your Toon Name
3. When You are available to run quest.
4. Approximate Time to complete quest.

Quest Leadets

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 3:36 pm
by Blue Wizard
1 Focus Stone - Town Crier, Blue Wizard Weekdaus after 7:00 Pm Weekends 900 AM - 1 PM- (other times possible by request)

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 12:06 am
by Thorgrim

I want to learn Aerlinthe. I've been on QQ about 5-7 times. (last year though) and I could aid in this if I'm online, and have 4 hours to spare.

G man 80+ would be cool to learn also. I can lead smaller quests with walk throughs of course. (but who can't...)

Contact me in game.


Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 1:18 am
by Panzerfaust
1. Quest Name: Almost all of them :)
2. Your Toon Name: Panzerfaust
3. Weekdays from 2pm ish EST (GMT -5) euro friendly till whenever and weekends
4. Varies on quest


Posted: Fri May 21, 2004 7:57 pm
by Ruellia
1. Evil Couch
2. Ruellia Leigh
3. Monday -Saturday after 8:00 p.m. (when online give me a yell)
4. 15 mins tops


Posted: Fri May 21, 2004 7:58 pm
by Ruellia
1. Dereth Map
2. Ruellia Leigh
3. Monday -Saturday after 8:00 p.m. (when online give me a yell)
4. 15 mins tops

Shout out to all the newbies!

Posted: Fri May 21, 2004 8:06 pm
by Ruellia
1. Arcane Pedestal
2. Ruellia Leigh
3. Monday -Saturday after 8:00 p.m. (when online give me a yell)
4. 25 mins tops (if you have your only gears)

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 4:47 pm
by Kythden
Olthoi shield and the olthoi armor quests (currently 40 and 20 version will update as I learn the rest)

Kythden or Errigon

weekends and some week nights with prior schedualing (except wednesdays)

Olthoi shield approx 1hr 30 min + (varries depending on size of party, and how many need shield)

Olthoi armor 1hr

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 12:24 am
by Og_Master_Master
Og Master Master
quest: Bobo
when: every 3 days
ETA: 45 mins MAX