Quest Etiquette

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Quest Etiquette

Post by Sassy » Wed Apr 23, 2003 2:07 pm

I've decided to post this information here in case not everyone has noticed that it's on the front page of this website. It's so important to be good questers and make the experience pleasant for everyone. So let's show some common courtesy and HAVE FUN! :D
Quest Etiquette

Rule Number 1:Let the Quest Leader Lead

The Quest Leader is a volunteer and many times has gone through great lengths to prepare for the quest. Even if you know the quest, let the designated leader lead the quest. IF you would like to offer your help, do it in a private tell. Don't undermine the leader. Also, you can't follow the leader by running ahead of the leader.

Rule Number 2:Be Patient

For many of the quests that exist, there can be some waiting at certain points in the quest. Yelling "Let's Go Already" is not only a good way to annoy the leader, but others waiting patiently as well.

Rule Number 3:Prepare

It's a good idea to prepare for the quest so you have an idea what to expect. A good source of information for quests is:

Rule Number 4:Listen & Follow Directions

Most of the time, there is some important information pertinent to the quest that you need to know. So, listen to the Quest Leader and follow the directions.

Rule Number 5:Buff When Necessary

Don't buff for the sake of buffing. The verbage from spell casting can get in the way. Type /filter -spellcasting and this will supress everyone else's spellcasting verbage. Many times, there are so many people on a quest that buffing isn't necessary.

Rule Number 6:Be Prepared

Make sure you have enough Spell Components, Health, Mana, Stamina Potions/Elixirs, Healing Kits, Mana Charges, Arrows, Quivers and Time. These will keep you alive. The last will keep you from sleeping on the couch.

If you follow these rules, everyone will make it through the quest with the prize and alive. The majority of deaths during a quest are directly attributed to people not following the above rules.

Following these rules make quesing pleasurable and will increase the likelihood of that person leading a quest again.

Remember, you will lead quests eventually. The question to ask yourself is: "Do I want thirty people like me on a quest I am leading?"

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Post by Panzerfaust » Wed Apr 23, 2003 2:23 pm

I have received several tells and a few PMs about this lately.

If you're not leading the quest, regardless of level or ability, follow the leader. It's a distraction to everyone and de-edifies the leader.

If you don't want to do this, it might be better for you to run your own quest.

I have gone on quests with people leading in their 40's. I still follow their lead.

This is especially important when other clans are on the quest.

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Quest etiquette

Post by Alibear » Wed Apr 23, 2003 2:40 pm

I Alibear do solemly swear to never follow Ranger ahead in another quest again. Seriously I will make sure to abide by these. It is a good idea and makes quests with alot of Characters doing them alot less confusing.


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Post by Panzerfaust » Wed Apr 23, 2003 3:53 pm


I wasn't referring to anyone in particular nor any particular incident. But, admission is the first step to recovery. :D

It is especially important when there are new people. They learn by example.

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Post by Neuslayer » Wed Apr 23, 2003 4:37 pm

One other thing that has come up was taking turns to get the kill and the prize. Everyone needs to take their turn, and not rush in too quickly. Just my 2 pyreals.
Neuslayer--lvl 126 archer (OMG )
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Post by Sassy » Wed Apr 23, 2003 4:45 pm

That is very good reminder Neu. But also remember that sometimes it's not possible to pick the slayer on quests like the Bunny and Gaerlan. Those are quests where there can be many deaths if the appointed slayer is not skillfull enough.


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Post by Panzerfaust » Wed Apr 23, 2003 4:47 pm

That should be organized by the Quest Leader. If it's a new group of ppl I will sit everyone down and explain what we are doing.

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Post by Coji » Mon Aug 04, 2003 7:43 am

but not at the expense of fun. quests are fun. just like school, if there wasnt a class clown, a class can become worthless if there is nothing to interest you. it just has to be in moderation. everything in moderation.
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Post by Yafel » Mon Aug 04, 2003 9:44 am

These are all common sense. Nothing like people saying "Good quest, nice one" at the end, because all has gone VERY smoothly because all have followed the leader properly.

EDIT: Oh yeah, forgot the bit where I meant to say "Nice post" :P

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Post by Aero » Sat Aug 30, 2003 10:40 am

Another good tip for questers is to make sure you all can be seen on radar at the same time so no one is left behind. If someone falls off the screen, everyone stop til they catch up.

The first time I did Aerlinthe (not with this clan), I got separated when a spawn came in right in front of me. The others that were right in front of me (other side of spawn) ignored the spawn that was blocking me and ran onward (selfish). I had to kill them myself to get through, but everyone else was too far ahead and when I told them what happened, they told me I would have to do the quest another day :(

Another thing is stay together even while running to quest so lowers won't get in trouble

Stay together and work as a team.
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Post by Ncatyl » Tue Nov 18, 2003 6:24 pm

If you're on a quest and leadership is bogus, total lack of organization don't hesitate to bail out. Seriously, if it's a hard quest with difficult to impossible recovery, save yourself a headache: Recall somewhere safe and wait for a better group another day. Afterall, if their ineptness contriibutes to your demise what makes you think they'll help you recover?

I find keeping quests to one full fellow to be the best way to manage them. That way you can boot the 'tards and leave them follow blindly. I find that people will do one of 3 things in this instance, besides get lost: Quit, Die, or shape up. Oh sure, some may try to grief, but honestly, a majority of quests are grief-proof if you know what you're doing. Just lead the 'tard on a goose chase and set up the others so he gets cut out of the next leg.

But I'm a bit militant when it comes to questing.
BTDT done

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Post by Little Teddy Bear » Wed Dec 24, 2003 3:43 pm

As a newly aquired member to this clan, allow me to
this post...
...Sadly I have seen all of this as common sense myself, whereas those who should have been more than I was go WAY past careing for the rest on the quest and make (donkeys) of themselves. For example, nothing worse than doing a Gman run (purpose to kill G) and suddenly at the right time (or is it the wrong one?) break fellow or just meander their own selfish way to get their prize instead! (So much for the kill...Which, btw, I have had ONE chance in the few months I been in game, but NEVER got to as someone decided THEY wanted the kill instead. Even told me "You don't deserve a kill!" Just to start trouble. Glad HE was ejected from the clan soon after for attempting to steal from his OWN vassal!)
This, plus other various reasons (some personal) is why I came to be on this server...
...May my stay here be plesant and fruitful to the clan and it's members.
Oh come on, hug the Little Teddy Bear...
...You know you want to!
