One million ways to say thank you to the Decal Developers

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One million ways to say thank you to the Decal Developers

Post by Mist » Thu Feb 05, 2004 11:20 pm

They caved, so if you really want to thank them, donation is the key.

Posts: 3,571
Registered: Jun 01
Date Posted: 1/31 4:59pm Subject: RE: A Letter to the Decal Team
Okay...I give in...

I'll setup a separate paypal account for those that want to donate. The money (if enough) will be used for ACPL flights/rooms for the Core Decal devs.

We'll fight it out between us how to divide it.

Exploding purple cows, one moo at a time. -
A pessimist is upset when the glass is half empty.
An AC Vault pessimist is upset when the glass is 5 percent empty.
It's a playground, not a game.
Let memory loss

Donations can be made via paypal to
sad ex-vassal of Nakamuro Zataki (retired)..
Mist of Mourn, Mists Pheonix
