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Meginjarder User Guide

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 1:39 pm
by Panzerfaust
From a different clan on a different server, but good info, nonetheless

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 8:08 pm
by Panzerfaust
Site is Down, but good ole google caching...

Chat Tab
When someone sends you a tell their name and a short version of their message will be added to the list in this tab. In addition your last 20 tells will be saved to disk when you log out, so you can safely switch between characters and keep up a conversation.

Message Tab
Offline messages sent by the @message command will show up here. By default the list will only show new messages, but read messages aswell as your sent messages are also avaliable through the drop down box.

Member Tab
Member section provides easy access to the most commonly used @member list commands. You can list characters within your levelrange, nearby members, all the different meginjarder staff members, player killers, chefs, alchemists and much more. The @member list command provides even more options.

Grouping Tab
This is the prime spot for you to look if you want to find a fellowship to hook up with or need a few more fellows in your already exsisting fellowship. If you are a fellowship leader and enlist, your fellowshipname will show up under "Fellowship Leaders". If you are not in a fellowship and enlist, your name will show up under "Solo Players".

Quests and Events Tab
Everyone can easilly add a quest or event that they plan to arrange, using the @quest command. For more information on arranging quests or how to use the @quest command please ask our Quest Masters.

An IRC based solution for the missing allegiance channel problem with Asheron's Call. All IRC servers/channels are defined in Meginjarder.xml so you can add your own easilly. Allegiances using the plugin must supply their members with their own Meginjarder.xml defining their own channels.

Update Tab
Adding your character data to the database is the core for all functionality this plugin offers. Before you have updated you will not show up in the member list, nor will you be able to use the offline message system or grouping functionality. An update consists of your own character data such as Name, Level and skills aswell as your patron and vassals basic information.

To get a list of all avaliable commands in game, type @meginjarder
Meginjarder 2.21. Avaliable commands:
@meginjarder - print this help information.
@member or @mbr - set or retrieve member information.
@message or @msg - send or retrieve offline messages.
@event or @quest - add or retrieve avaliable quests and events.
@landblock or @lb - set or get description of your current landblock.
To get additional information about a command, type the command without any arguments.

To get help about this command ingame, type @member
Member Commands:
@member whois <name> - List information about an allegiance member.
@member whoami - Return your identification number.
@member friends [online | add <name> | remove <name>] - Manage your allegiance friends list.
@member list <arguments> - List allegiance members. As arguments you can use a combination of the following: magistrate, chainmanager, reporter, questmaster, wantgroup, wantfellowship, xpchain, lockpick, alchemy, cooking, fletching, nearby, online, level <, level >, class = Mage Or Melee Or Archer
@member fellowships - List fellowships that are looking for additional fellows aswell as members that are looking for a fellowship.
@member set [<name>,] <arguments> - Set allegiance member flags. Default <name> is you.

To get help about this command ingame, type @message
Message Commands:
@message <name>, <message> - Sends a message to someones inbox even if they are offline.
@message <group>, <message> - Sends a message to a group.
@message inbox [new | read] - Shows your inbox, meaning messages sent to you.
@message outbox [new | read] - Shows your outbox, meaning messages you have sent.
@message read <msgid> - Prints a message to display. Check your inbox or outbox to get message id.
@message delete [all | <msgid>] - Delete messages. You can only delete read messages in your inbox.
@message motd <message> | delete - Shows, sets or deletes the Message of the day.

To get help about this command ingame, type @quest
Quest Commands:
@quest add Event title | date of event | Event description
@quest edit <EventID> New description
@quest delete <EventID>
@quest list <arguments> - Lists quests. As arguments you can use a combination of the following: mine, nrofdays=#

To get help about this command ingame, type @landblock
Landblock Commands:
@landblock get - gets descritption of the current landblock.
@landblock set <description> - sets descritption of the current landblock.
@landblock delete - deletes description of the current landblock.