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Current plugin version and LD configuration file

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 7:08 pm
by Trekman
Current Meginjarder Plugin version

Meginjarder Configuration File for The Last Dynasty

1a) Use {Right-Click}"Save Target As" on the first link and save it to a directory on your local harddisk. A good place is your
general directory for downloads - or create a new, dedicated directory.

1b) If you are new to MJ and not updating use {Right-Click}"Save Target As" on the second link and save it to the same folder as the plugin.

1c) If you are updating MJ, go to your MJ directory (usually C:\Program Files\Meginjarder) and rename MEGINJARDER.XML to another name, like MJ.XML

2) Install the plugin from the saved location

3) After the plugin installation :

3a) if you have updated MJ delete MEGINJARDER.XML and rename your saved file back to MEGINJARDER.XML

3b) if you did a fresh installation of the plugin copy MEGINJARDER.XML from the saved location over the one in the installation directory (usually C:\Program Files\Meginjarder).