Meginjarder Tips & Tricks

Installing, Configuring & Operating MeginJarder

Moderator: Trekman

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Meginjarder Tips & Tricks

Post by Trekman » Mon Mar 17, 2003 2:08 am

I open this thread to post Tips & Tricks when they pop into my mind.
Maybe it ends up being our official MJ manual

Type "/meginjarder" to show a list of available chat-line-commands.

Some of them have a representation in the MJ window, but some have not.

To use the full power of the plugin you should be familiar with those commands.
[b][url= ... the+Axeman]Trekman the Axeman - Senior Skullsplitter and Master Of Slaughter[/url][/b]
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Post by Trekman » Mon Mar 17, 2003 2:11 am

The received /tell lines are saved in the local configuration file MEGINJARDER.XML, not in the server database.
If you do not want to save your Chat Stack when logging (or lagging) out, or if you want to change the number of the stored chat lines do the following :

- ingame delete all chat lines by clicking the red icons
- log out, switch to desktop, look for MEGINJARDER.XML in your MJ directory and edit the line "chathelper" line this way :

<chathelper savelines="0"></chathelper>

or enter any other appropriate number instead of 0.

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Post by Trekman » Mon Mar 17, 2003 2:15 am

Many of you are used to dIRCal as the IRC frontend plugin.

When you install MJ, dIRCal becomes obsolete - at least for basic IRC functionality.

dIRCal uses "/i" as the IRC chat command, whereas MJ uses "/mp" (whatever that is supposed to mean).

If you want to keep your beloved "/i" in MJ you have to edit the MEGINJARDER.XML file. Besides that chat command you also can configure other settings related to IRC in the same line.

Example :

<channel server="" port="9000" channel="#lastdynasty" command="i" colorcode="10" join="True"/>

"colorcode" obviously defines the color in which IRC text is displayed in the chat window. The default 12 is blue, whereas 10 means yellow.
I did not try other colors, but feel free to play around with the setting

"join" is related to the Join checkbox in the IRC tab of the plugin. It defines whether you join the channel automatically when logging in.

You can always log into/out of IRC during play using that checkbox.

You can add more IRC channels to the appropriate listbox left of the Join checkbox. Then you can switch between those channels.
To do so, just enter additional lines under the LD one in the format :

<channel server="<some server>" port="<port, usually 6667>" channel="#<some channel>" command="<chat command>" colorcode="<color>" join="False"/>

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Post by Trekman » Mon Mar 17, 2003 2:19 am

When you click the little "Appraise Person" icon in any of the MJ windows (besides IRC), a short information about the respective character is displayed in the chat window.

One part of that is the Location. Per default it only shows the coordinates or "Inside unknown location".
If the respective landblock has been "described" in our database, that description is also displayed.

The command "/landblock" or "/lb" is used to handle landblock descriptions.

Only one description per landblock is allowed. You can edit and delete all descriptions you initially entered yourself.

"/lb list" shows all stored landblocks.

"/lb get" shows the description of the landblock you are on (if available)

/"lb set <description>" sets the description of the landblock you are on if not already described by someone else.
Example : /lb set Firesong Cottages
Last edited by Trekman on Mon Dec 08, 2003 8:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Trekman » Mon Mar 17, 2003 2:21 am

The MJ system implements certain administrative roles.

- monarch (obviously)
- magistrate
- chain-manager
- quest-manager

If you are assigned to one of those functions (and your name is *not* Panzerfaust) you can contact me to flag your record accordingly.

Besides those every user can modify certain data by himself, like

- own XP chain status
- enter a new quest/event
- modify or delete quests/event (s)he entered
- enter a new landblock description
- modify or delete landblock descriptions (s)he entered

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Post by Trekman » Mon Mar 17, 2003 2:22 am

In "MJmail" you have 3 folders : New Messages, Read Messages, Sent Messages.

- you cannot delete from New Messages (because still unread)

- you can delete from Read Messages

- you cannot delete from Sent Messages, because they are only links to the items in the recipient's mailbox. Once the recipient deletes the message from his Read Messages folder it disappears from your Sent Messages folder. When you click the title of a Sent Message you see if and when the recipient has read it.

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Post by Trekman » Mon Mar 17, 2003 2:24 am

Each MJ window has several areas that can be clicked for different functions :

- "Appraise Person" icon : show short info about the name. On IRC tab show version of IRC client used

- "name" column : prepare the chat line according to the selected tab, for instance "/tell <name>," (Chat, Qst) or "/message <name>," (Msg).

- "data" column : displays related text (/tell Message, event description).
